Retirement for Two: "So What Do I Actually Do Now?"

Retirement Update:

I've received so many comments and emails about my retirement series as I made the leap from school psychologist to launching my Curated Travel business, a year ago. From making the bold decision, to steps along the way, saying goodbye, even my changing spending habits, I chronicled my journey this last year in these posts: Retirement Series. There are a number of readers who are planning on retirement in the near future and curious about how it feels to go through this experience. It's been fun to share our experience.

As of early July, we started a new chapter in this journey and that is retirement for two. At one point, Scott and I contemplated retiring at the same time, but it's safe to say we are happy that I've had a year in between to build my business.  A huge benefit of us each having 20+ years in education is receiving a retirement pension and we are both grateful for that resource in our retirement.

It's been a relaxing summer, and we've had lots of pool time, trips to farmer's market, trying new recipes, cooking together, and spending time with family and friends. We've been embracing a slower paced life. Now that Scott is finally retired, we have SO much more flexibility in our schedule.  Truly the flexibility with time is the very best thing about the retirement lifestyle. Oh, and the major reduction in career stress too. The first morning after he finally moved out of his office, and it was all over, Scott and I were sitting in bed with coffee and he asked me, "So what do I actually do now?" He was serious, but it cracked us both up!

Scott is a man with many hobbies and interests - cycling, guitar playing, singing, writing, Christmas decorating (in season-thank goodness!), and spending time with family and friends. He is also now dabbling in yoga, cooking for me and considering pickleball (that's a thing for retirees in Chico). He may even show up here on the blog from time to time to share more of our travels. He is also building a consulting and training career to continue supporting kids, families, and professionals.  Of course, becoming grandparents in November is our most exciting chapter ever!

We're definitely having fun figuring out the new normal around here. I've also realized that it is pretty tempting to spend less time in my home office now that I have this man hanging around with so much free time. We are looking forward to more travel in our future (all that flexibility), and we have a celebratory "retirementmoon" coming up for Scott. I'll look forward to posting on our Jamaican getaway in the near future.

If you are contemplating the leap into retirement, or a change in career, I highly recommend it. Plan and prepare the best you can and then take the leap. It is totally worth it to be bold and follow your dreams!

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