Mother's Day Bouquets Made With Love

Mother's Day Bouquets

I always look forward to Mother's Day weekend. I get to celebrate my favorite women, far and near, and there is usually a flower graced springtime brunch involved. Our tradition is that my family comes to our house in Chico for the day, and it's such a treat to host.


Mom with her flowers 2013
Mother's Day Bouquets and a pink floral arrangement by mom

My mom, Jeri, is a flower arranger extraordinaire in my mind. Over the years she has collected several photographs of her creations. Recently she had the images printed on notecards, with high quality envelopes, and gave them to family and friends as gifts. What a perfect way to remember all those beautiful bouquets, and Mother's Day bouquets, made with love.

Mother's Day Bouquets and notecards of flower arrangements
Mother's Day Bouquets and notecards of flower arrangements

These notecards are a gift in and of themselves.

Mother's Day Bouquets and mom's arrangement with yellows and burgandy
Mother's Day Bouquets and mom's arrangement with yellows and burgandy

I've never mailed one, the collection is a keepsake for me.

It's been a rough week here. I spent the first two days grief counseling at a local high school, following a tragic lunchtime car accident where a 17-year-old basketball star died. His friend was life-flighted to UC Davis Medical Center and is in a medically induced coma. This kid was popular, yet kind to everyone, and a true leader. The heartbreak on campus is palpable with some dealing with loss this close for the first time and others being triggered with a multitude of previous traumas. As a lesson in forgiveness, the father of the student who died, met with the parents of the driver, to offer his comfort and forgiveness before it was even asked. I'm still so close to this story that I have tears rolling down my cheeks as I write this. Hug your children tightly and remind them to wear their seatbelts. The fine art of forgiveness is truly a life lesson.

Jeri Orr's flower arrangement
Jeri Orr's flower arrangement

In many ways we all do some mothering in our own right here and motherhood is a gift here. If your path to motherhood was/is difficult, as mine has been here I share your journey.  If you are a stepmom, like I am, here, I know it's an entirely different form of mothering. For many of us, motherhood is a complicated journey, but a blessing here. If you, or someone you love, are needing a little dose of hope today or a smile here.

As we celebrate mother's day this year, let's remember those among us who are missing a mother, or a child, just now. To each of you, and especially a few of my dear friends who are feeling the loss this year, big hugs to you. Reach out in love today.

Happy Mother's Day to you!