Motherhood Day and Celebrating Us

Floral bouquet by Mom
Floral bouquet by Mom

Happy 'Motherhood' Day to all! If you have birthed a baby, adopted a baby, fallen in love and became an 'insta' stepparent, been a nurturing auntie, or stepped in as a grandparent to care for your grandchild, you are part of the motherhood in my book. Motherhood can encompass all kinds of nurturing and care. I see it everyday as a school psychologist.  I am surrounded by an army of nurturing, caring teachers, clinicians, nurses, administrators and staff.

Mom with her flowers 2013
Mom with her flowers 2013

 Mom with the beautiful flower arrangement she created last Mother's Day

As I look towards celebrating my mother and sister on Mother's Day this Sunday I realize that this day is not without a mix of emotions. I think of the women around me, my mothers, sisters, sister-in-laws, aunties and friends who are beautiful moms and raising incredible, talented, responsible children.  They are in the role of a lifetime and it warms my heart. For some of us the road to motherhood is quite complex.  Like many of us, I am a stepmother who wanted to be a mother in my own right here but miscarriages ended that dream. I was thrilled to have experienced the joy of my stepfamily life coming full circle this last year here.  I am an adopted daughter who has seen both the joy and pain experienced by two wonderful women surrounding the gift of adoption. It is a story that is deeply personal and yet one that I want to share when the time feels right. I always end up in tears in the card aisle a week before Mother's Day since it bring up a well of emotions. We will also be tipping a toast to Scott's dear mom, Margie, who is no longer with us. A day of celebration, merriment and a few tears.... isn't this often the bittersweet balance of life?? It is a joy to celebrate our unique journeys.

As I was contemplating a gift for my mom on Mother's Day I realized I could never truly top the gift we gave her on Mother's Day two years ago. began as a family portrait with a photo of mom, ended in a proposal and a wedding last fall.  Seeing my mom happily married and enjoying life more than warms my heart on this Mother's Day weekend.

 Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Jeri, and sister, Heidi, and all of us sharing motherhood this Sunday.

How are you celebrating motherhood this year?


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